In recent times, homes have become increasingly packed full of high tech gadgetry and smart home equipment. And all these smart gadgetry need to be internet and WiFi connected. And there in lies the problem. With all these new devices being added to our outdated networks, they are just overwhelmed by the number of devices. Our antiquated network infrastructure is no longer cut out to serve in some cases hundreds of network devices.
Fear no more! The WiFi Alliance has heard our cry’s for faster and More scale-able home networks and has announced WiFi 6! Yay!
No but seriously! WiFi 6 Is a big deal for users who have many IOT devices of smart home appliances. Notably, The increase from 3.5 Gbps to 9.6 Gbps will give WiFi 6 a blistering speed advantage. While no singular device will be able to utilise that top speed, rather, it should allow a larger group of devices to be served at their peek speed.
The benefits of WiFi 6 will really be seen over time, as more devices support the standard and its data delivery efficiencies are able to speed things up.
WiFi 6 is an inevitable upgrade, but of course, the price has got to be right for people to buy into it. Fortunately, the Manufacturers have you covered. Companies such as Netgear, TP-Link and D-link are already offering quite affordable WiFi 6 Capable devices.
Once devices start packing WiFi 6 as standard, The Benefits will really pick up.
If you or your Business needs network Assistance or troubleshooting.
Please, don’t hesitate to Contact Techbug on 1300 655 121.